Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Find a new saying, it's old...

Goodbye Kitty

The "MySpace" photo

The one-upper... EVERYbody knows one.

People who touch computer screens to point something out PMO...

The tint control on TV's PMO!

It should just say, "we're idiots and need to figure it out."


You'll have to excuse me, I'm a Bengals fan. I find it interesting that even in the wake of the 2008 season, the Bengals did not end up in the basement. I know a lot of Brownies fans, and they all seem to have the same excuses for their team. All I have left to say is if it's brown, flush it down...



Facebook notes... STOP writing them!

There should be another driving test once you get to a certain age...

If you use tons of smiley/sad faces when you type, you PMO!

This doesn't even need a title...

Keep it to yourself!

You're ugly, now drive...

People who love smoking way to much PMO!

Would you like some screen cleaner, touch-sensitive remote controls, MONSTER cables, membership, or 5 year warranty with that?

The father of internet SPAM = PMO!

The question, what is art? PMO!

Sugar or salt? PMO!

Glitter graphics and TINKERBELL? Grow up!

Twitter, really? As if Facebook statuses weren't enough...

Really? Who has time to keep up with MySpace and Facebook? There should be some kind of ban on websites that allows you to update whatever you are "doing" at whatever point in time. In most cases, people do not care what your doing unless you are a celebrity. In that case, you can find out exactly what they are doing from any media source.